Friday, 15 May 2009

Buddys Friday - Swap and Shop

Back in January we had a Swap and Shop afternoon, we chose this time as it would be good for folk clearing out to make space for all thier new goodies but anytime of year would work.

The basic idea is to bring items you no longer want or need and have a look at what everyone else has brought to see if there is anything you would like. If you find something then it is yours to take away! We had an honesty box too so that if anyone wanted to make a donation for their items they could and the money went to the village charity.

This is hubby in the midst of all the donated items - we had loads! I am glad that we collected things during the week before so that they could be displayed nicely for people to see more easily. We had clothes, household items, pictures, shoes, books, jewellery and quite a few smelly gift sets! Even the clothes rails were lent to us by a very kind freecycler (if you have not yet discovered Freecycle, then do have a look).

After the event we gave any suitable items left to the village charity for their auction later in the year and then took the rest to the charity shop so that everything was sent on it's way to provide for someone else. Yes it was quite a lot of work but it was worth it to know that these things were not going to waste, and we did end up with less than we started with so it was a good turnover of items.
Right now I am off to recycle some of my chaos into saleable products for the market this weekend!
Take care all
Sarah x


  1. WHat a good idea. It's true that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure. LOL. And the local charity benifited as well.


  2. That seems like a great idea! I have tagged you if you'd like to check out my blog :)


Thank you for your comments, I do read them all and sometimes I even reply, now that I have figured out how to! Thanks again, take care x