Monday 8 June 2009

On the Farm

When I first opened my eyes yesterday morning, well I didn't, I opened my ears first and all I could hear was the rain pelting down! Through almost shut eyes I could tell that it wasn't really light outside as the sky had seemingly crashed into the earth resulting in one big grey, wet mass outside my window.

This was not good news for an afternoon on the farm. But the weather had a re-think and decided that it would be a good idea to brighten up and produced wonderful blue sky by the time I was on my way to the farm.

All the tractors were out on show, very shiney and polished up ready to be explored by enquisitive folk (not just the children!)

The trailer rides went down well, off to the woodland and then out for a guided walk at the other end before the ride back to the barn.

We were all in the barn, safely out of the weather! The barbeques were set and ready to go with the Weston Park Farm beef burgers. This picture was taken before folk came in for their food, if I had taken an 'after' shot you would see that the folk in the green t-shirts were slightly more frazzled and there was not a lot of food left on the table!

This is the best children's entertainment ever - a grain store! Note how the clever ones are demonstrating the reverse back surfing method! There will be a lot of households who today and probably for the rest of the week will be finding wheat in various items of clothing and shoes.

Now these cows I don't mind! But then I was the other side of the railings, but still they are lovely looking - not at all menacing!

These are Shorthorn cattle, an English breed which produces fine marbled beef and it tastes superb!

The heavens did open once more right at the end of the day but nobody minded that, the food and drink was all inside in any case!

I hope you all had a good weekend, take care

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the weather held off a little bit for you and that you had a good day.

    Sue xx


Thank you for your comments, I do read them all and sometimes I even reply, now that I have figured out how to! Thanks again, take care x