Friday, 24 July 2009

Is it April?

So, being British, I have to talk about the weather on a regular basis and I feel I have neglected to do so for a little while.
Just want to check that this is July?

Note - the two chickens making a run for shelter!

Only this seems to be the weather I was expecting in April, that we didn't have.

Please don't think I am complaining, on the contrary, my water butts are filling up lovely and I was a little concerned that if this magnificent summer came which we have been promised, teamed with the lack of rain in April then we were going to be running short for plant watering very quickly.

George is wondering would it be ok to have a fire on, even if it is summer?

Off to make stuff, Hitchin Market tomorrow, please lets have real July weather for that!
Take care all, til tomorrow
Sarah x


  1. Devon is not exactly sunny right now! Here's hoping for a better August!
    Have a great weekend! ;-)

  2. Hope the market goes well.

    Sue xx


Thank you for your comments, I do read them all and sometimes I even reply, now that I have figured out how to! Thanks again, take care x