Wednesday 14 January 2015

A river runs through it

This morning was beautiful out on the beach, windy but fab.  I was wearing one hat and 2 hoods to keep the wind out of my ears but still needed the sunglasses too.

The little stream that runs down the centre of the beach was a little bit more than a stream today.  Usually you can walk through it without it going too far over your boots and it tends to spread out across a larger area down the beach.

No so today, it was a proper mini river and was far too deep to cross with walking boots rather than wellies on.  Even George decided that he would walk up to the bridge and around!

The gulls were quite happy sitting in their usual spot watching the waves and bathing in the pools on the sand.

At least some of the sand that was washed away last year is now being blown back onto the dunes.  The way the wind has built up the sand around pebbles, shells and other items of flotsam and jetsam washed up made it look more like a lunar landscape than a beach.
We've not had any snow out this way but there has been a good helping of it across Exmoor, I hope you are all tucked up warm and safe wherever you are.
Til next time
Sal x

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